Day 442 Sea Swimming.

#74 of the blog.

Air Temp 10 degrees - Wind W 7mph - Sea Temp 9.2 degrees

After deciding to give yesterday’s photos/blog a miss as the weather was duller than dull, I hoped for something a little better/more exciting today…

I try to make a habit of not being constantly on my phone from the moment I wake up but I’m pleased I checked WhatsApp this morning to discover that Jason was going for a swim at Havre des Pas in the afternoon.

It would mean missing my normal morning routine of either Belcroute or St Aubin… but even if the weather was to be grey, at least there’d be a change of scenery and some company in the cold.

I spent the morning editing shots from the Wim Hof session on Sunday then decided to try and go for a run - something I’ve had to put the brakes on recently as I pushed it a little hard after New Year and managed to give myself shin splints (or the onset of them at least).

All that getting super keen, running everyday, fitness-mode stuff that I decided to do in January came back to bite me on the bum so it was a pleasant surprise to make it to the end of a slow 7k run without feeling any adverse effects… slow and steady wins the race… or certainly gets you there in one piece.

I arrived at HDP a bit early to see if there was anything worth shooting, hoping for some nice light or perhaps some interesting cloud formations that often look cool when they reflect off the water at low tide if the wind is on your side.

It wasn’t to be, but I did spot the fairly interesting reflections of the railings that ease your entry into the pool, and so I thought I’d try something based around them and perhaps flip the image to create something a little otherworldly and surreal.

Again coming back to previous posts, we’ve all had plenty of time to reflect on life over the past 18 months or so, and sometimes the reflections we’ve acknowledged have invited change on one level or another.

When I think about the new habits formed and the old ones broken over recent time I can’t help but feel a mixture of satisfaction and regret.

The former for obvious reasons but the latter because I wish I’d implemented these changes sooner… I guess we all have our paths to follow and we’ll only take certain routes when we’re ready.

In any case, a huge factor in the changes that I have managed to implement have come as a result of Jason’s friendship/guidance/example.

Whilst art (although in varying mediums) is an obvious connection between us… if anything it’s his example of living his life which sets him apart and is most inspiring.

The man’s a beast as is constantly looking for marginal gains towards self improvement.

It’s always a pleasure to share the water and hit the gym hard with him afterwards - and I can think of no better way to spend 2/2/22.

“The Holy Grail of good critique… great mentors are both experienced and knowledgeable about their art form,

and the good ones are also unthreatened, nurturing and willing to help you develop and benefit from their experience.

They will share with you what they’ve learnt over their own journey and will genuinely care about helping you find your voice

and becoming the best version of yourself”

- Sean Tucker


Sea Swimming Blog #75


Sea Swimming Blog #73