Sea Swimming Blog #13

Day 50 Sea Swimming.

#13 of the blog.

A milestone day today as I reached 50 consecutive days of winter sea swimming… feels damn good!

For a change of scenery I headed to Ouaisne - just an opposite turn and different hill away from Belcroute providing a totally different view and swimming experience.

To mark my 50th day I had an idea of a photo in mind so first things first was to shoot that then enjoy the water.

As the tide was on the rise I didn’t have a lot of time to make the most of the sand which I planned to write ‘50’ in… in fact, my first attempt was swept away which was a little frustrating but also a fun challenge to overcome.

Likewise, I’d forgotten my tripod so had to precariously balance my camera sideways on my camera bag praying that I had enough time to get to the waters edge before a gust of wind blew it over or a rogue wave made it’s way up the beach and decided to take it for a swim.

Another guy came down for a dip and had a bit of a laugh with me as he could see I was having a bit of a faff with the camera - I must say I’m yet to meet a grumpy sea swimmer and no matter what their age, race or gender, if you’re someone who enjoys the wildness and oneness of the ocean then you’re more than likely to be someone who is up for a bit of a laugh and lives life to the full.

The water was so beautiful and clear… it was pretty chilly but I feel as though I’m fairly used to it now.

The outside air temperature was so cold it started sleeting when I was getting out which made me smile.

Looking forward to the next 50 days… although there’s due to be some beastly easterly weather heading our way next week so we’ll see how that pans out!

“We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence then, is not an act,

but a habit”

- Aristotle


Sea Swimming Blog #14


Sea Swimming Blog #12