Sea Swimming Blog #11

Day 46 Sea Swimming.
#11 of the blog.
Happy New Year!
Can’t be as bad as the last… right?
As agreed the day before, I met the Bathing Beau & Bluebells at St Aubin on what was a stunning, cold and frosty morning.
The ladies and gents wore silly hats to celebrate the New Year coming in and we were lucky to have near on perfect conditions with a flat calm sea, blue sky and sunshine.
I took a few funny group photos with my normal camera then swam out to far buoy (affectionately known as Gracie) and back, then grabbed the underwater camera and got back in, taking a few more photos from water level.
Once we got out we were met with sausage & haggis rolls kindly provided by Jenny’s husband… it’s little things like this, friendly gestures, that make this group a lovely one to be a part of.
My wife and daughter came down to watch and once again it was nice to show my little one that despite the frost, Dad was willing to get into the water and brave the elements.
“Individually we are one drop,
together we are an ocean”
- Ryunosuke Satoro